Weatherworks series: ‘25 | ‘24 | ‘23 | ‘22 | ‘21 | ‘20 | ‘19 | ‘18 | ‘17 | ‘16 | ’15 | ‘14
Weatherworks ‘22 Thirty foot+ installation on snow. Click HERE for signed editioned prints. See above for other years.
Earthworks, weatherworks, land art, snow auras, ash collages, ice installations, public art … ephemeral artworks lasting only hours, created in and destroyed by nature (reverse anthropocene.) Made with found weather: wind, snow, rain, ice, water…
Found branches and ice sculpture; drifted and glitched work on snow using found flora, tablecloths, and cardboard; harvested icicles; a frost painting, using breath, a bee hive, a song.
Ice crystals as discrete units like a pixels in a jpeg. Post-weather, these works only exist digitally and the hardcopy works have an ambigious perspectival depth.
(These works, done on a frozen snowy lakebed, eventually led to the Shift/Drift series of paintings, which are large canvas and smaller works on paper done en plein air in various locations worldwide.)